Submit a Joke
This endpoint is used to programatically submit a joke to be reviewed and added to JokeAPI's official jokes. If you instead just want to manually submit a joke, please click here.
For up to date parmaters on this please check out their documentation
For testing define dry-run as anything
await JokeClient.submit({'dry-run': true});
Single Joke
await JokeClient.submit({
'dry-run': true,
formatVersion: 3,
category: 'Misc',
type: 'single',
joke: 'testing',
flags: { nsfw: true, religious: false, political: false, racist: false, sexist: false, explicit: true },
lang: 'en',
Two Part Joke
const submitDouble = await JokeClient.submit({
'dry-run': true,
formatVersion: 3,
category: 'misc',
type: 'twopart',
setup: 'Setup',
delivery: 'Delivering',
flags: { nsfw: true, religious: false, political: false, racist: false, sexist: false, explicit: true },
lang: 'en',